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University of Glasgow

Founded in 1451, the University of Glasgow is the fourth oldest university in the English-speaking world.

Today we are a broad-based, research intensive institution with a global reach.

A leading research centre

We are a member of the prestigious Russell Group of leading UK research universities, and we’re striving to change the world with our expertise. Our annual earnings for research are £181m, which means that we can make important discoveries, whether that’s finding a way to detect malaria in minutes, or contributing to the biggest particle physics experiment in the world: the Large Hadron Collider.

Excellence in teaching

Our research-led approach is one of the reasons why a degree from the University of Glasgow is so prized, but our students also benefit from opportunities to study abroad, improve their employability, take part in work placements and explore a wide range of social activities. As a result, we attract scholars from 120 countries around the world.

Rated fourth for international student satisfaction among universities participating in the International Student Barometer Summer 2013, we ensure that our students graduate equipped with the skills they need to compete in a global workplace. The friendships and networks they make at Glasgow can last a lifetime: we are in touch with 118,000 alumni in 162 countries.

Student Unions and Organisations

Becoming a member of our University unions, council, clubs or media can be a great way to discover what you're good at, pursue your passions, meet like-minded people and boost your employability. The University is unique in having two student unions: Glasgow University Union, founded in 1885, and the Queen Margaret Union, founded in 1890.

You may also be interested in the following:

Students' Representative Council

The Gilchrist Postgraduate Club

Mature Students Association

Glasgow University Sports Association (GUSA)

Over 120 Clubs and societies



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Course UCAS Points Fees for an English student
Accountancy [4669] 144 9250
Accountancy with Finance [8571] 176 9250
Accountancy with International Accounting [6064] 176 9250
Accountancy with Languages [8779] 176 9250
Accountancy/Economics [6271] 160 9250
Accounting & Mathematics [0176] 144 9250
Accounting & Statistics [7667] 64 9250
Aeronautical Engineering [6238] 192 9250
Aeronautical Engineering [8746] 128 9250
Aerospace Systems [5366] 144 9250
Aerospace Systems [2859] 144 9250
Anatomy [6762] 144 9250
Ancient History/ Celtic Studies [1443] 128 9250
Ancient History/ English Literature [2993] 112 9250
Ancient History/Archaeology [1366] 112 9250
Ancient History/Celtic Civilisation [8166] 128 9250
Ancient History/French [3971] 192 9250
Ancient History/History [4296] 112 9250
Ancient History/Italian [7096] 144 9250
Ancient History/Philosophy [3746] 112 9250
Ancient History/Politics [4374] 112 9250
Archaeology [8921] 96 9250
Archaeology [8921] 96 9250
Archaeology/ English Language [3175] 144 9250
Archaeology/ Gaelic [9237] 128 9250
Archaeology/ German [1714] 112 9250
Archaeology/ Latin [2237] 96 9250
Archaeology/ Music [8856] 96 9250
Archaeology/ Spanish [4571] 128 9250
Archaeology/Business Economics [2477] 112 9250
Archaeology/Celtic Civilisation [9967] 128 9250
Archaeology/Celtic Studies [7460] 128 9250
Archaeology/Classics [8539] 96 9250
Archaeology/Earth Science [9619] 112 9250
Archaeology/Economic & Social History [3524] 112 9250
Archaeology/Economic & Social History [1016] 112 9250
Archaeology/English Literature [7078] 112 9250
Archaeology/Film & Television Studies [4570] 96 9250
Archaeology/Geography [4222] 112 9250
Archaeology/Geography [4222] 96 9250
Archaeology/History [0842] 112 9250
Archaeology/History Of Art [8332] 112 9250
Archaeology/Mathematics [9727] 144 9250
Archaeology/Politics [8299] 112 9250
Archaeology/Politics [8299] 112 9250
Archaeology/Psychology [4363] 128 9250
Archaeology/Scottish History [1856] 112 9250
Archaeology/Theatre Studies [7602] 96 9250
Archaeology/Theology & Religious Studies [8997] 96 9250
Astronomy/Mathematics [3110] 128 9250
Astronomy/Mathematics [3982] 128 9250
Astronomy/Physics [9728] 128 9250
Astronomy/Physics [0602] 128 9250
Biochemistry [7220] 128 9250
Biomedical Engineering [7744] 144 9250
Biomedical Engineering [8616] 160 9250
Business & Management [3393] 112 9250
Business & Management/ Spanish [5901] 128 9250
Business & Management/Italian [7237] 160 9250
Business & Management/Philosophy [0220] 160 9250
Business & Management/Psychology [7362] 128 9250
Business & Management/Russian [1267] 160 9250
Business Economics [6109] 48 9250
Business Economics/Economic & Social History [7504] 112 9250
Business Economics/Geography [4996] 112 9250
Business Economics/Mathematics [8027] 144 9250
Business Economics/Philosophy [7155] 112 9250
Business Economics/Politics [4647] 112 9250
Business Economics/Psychology [8550] 128 9250
Business Economics/Scottish History [9630] 112 9250
Business Economics/Social & Public Policy [7122] 80 9250
Business Economics/Sociology [1525] 112 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Central & East European Studies [3186] 128 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Classics [0679] 128 9250
Celtic Civilisation/English Language [5345] 144 9250
Celtic Civilisation/English Literature [9248] 112 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Geography [6741] 128 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Mathematics [4964] 144 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Philosophy [8867] 128 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Psychology [9946] 128 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Scottish History [1028] 128 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Scottish Literature [4931] 112 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Social & Public Policy [7646] 80 9250
Celtic Civilisation/Theology & Religious Studies [1551] 128 9250
Celtic Civilisation/italian [5312] 128 9250
Celtic Civilistion/History [7820] 128 9250
Celtic Studies [4582] 128 9250
Celtic Studies/ Theology & Religious Studies [0996] 128 9250
Celtic Studies/Central & East European Studies [1203] 128 9250
Celtic Studies/English Language [1726] 144 9250
Celtic Studies/English Literature [5629] 112 9250
Celtic Studies/French [3121] 128 9250
Celtic Studies/History [4201] 128 9250
Celtic Studies/Mathematics [3329] 144 9250
Celtic Studies/Music [0821] 128 9250
Celtic Studies/Philosophy [8311] 128 9250
Celtic Studies/Psychology [5803] 128 9250
Celtic Studies/Scottish History [6883] 128 9250
Celtic Studies/Scottish Literature [4375] 112 9250
Central & East European Studies [1835] 128 9250
Central & East European Studies with Quantitative Methods [2161] 64 9250
Central & East European Studies/Business Economics [8486] 112 9250
Central & East European Studies/Classics [5978] 128 9250
Central & East European Studies/Digital Media & Information Studies [9881] 112 9250
Central & East European Studies/Economic & Social History [7373] 128 9250
Central & East European Studies/Economics [8453] 112 9250
Central & East European Studies/English Literature [7581] 112 9250
Central & East European Studies/Geography [5073] 128 9250
Central & East European Studies/German [8976] 112 9250
Central & East European Studies/History [6468] 128 9250
Central & East European Studies/History of Art [5597] 128 9250
Central & East European Studies/Italian [5040] 144 9250
Central & East European Studies/Philosophy [8071] 128 9250
Central & East European Studies/Politics [7199] 112 9250
Central & East European Studies/Psychology [4692] 128 9250
Central & East European Studies/Scottish History [8595] 128 9250
Central & East European Studies/Scottish Literature [1312] 112 9250
Central & East European Studies/Social & Public Policy [5215] 80 9250
Central & East European Studies/Sociology [2707] 112 9250
Central and East European Studies and International Relations [4610] 112 9250
Chemical Physics [6818] 128 9250
Chemical Physics [9326] 128 9250
Chemical Physics with work placement [0723] 128 9250
Chemistry [7341] 112 9250
Chemistry with European Placement [2849] 112 9250
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry [1977] 128 9250
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (European Placement) [9467] 112 9250
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (Work Placement) [8595] 128 9250
Chemistry with Work Placement [8039] 176 9250
Chemistry/Mathematics [9816] 176 9250
Chemistry/Mathematics [3961] 112 9250
Civil Eng with Architecture [6055] 144 9250
Civil Eng with Architecture [2152] 128 9250
Civil Engineering [5531] 192 9250
Civil Engineering [3024] 144 9250
Classics [3547] 96 9250
Classics/Computing Science [4070] 112 9250
Classics/English Literature [3198] 112 9250
Classics/Film & Television Studies [0690] 112 9250
Classics/French [9817] 192 9250
Classics/Geography [7309] 112 9250
Classics/History [4801] 112 9250
Classics/Italian [2293] 144 9250
Classics/Mathematics [9784] 144 9250
Classics/Music [8912] 112 9250
Classics/Philosophy [1945] 112 9250
Classics/Politics [5848] 112 9250
Classics/Politics [5848] 112 9250
Classics/Psychology [1912] 128 9250
Classics/Russian [1040] 128 9250
Classics/Scottish History [6894] 112 9250
Classics/Social & Public Policy [4386] 80 9250
Classics/Social & Public Policy [3515] 80 9250
Classics/Sociology [6546] 112 9250
Classics/Theology & Religious Studies [0451] 112 9250
Common Law [0976] 112 9250
Common Law and International Relations [2758] 112 9250
Common Law/Business & Management [0862] 160 9250
Common Law/Economic & Social History [2409] 160 9250
Common Law/Economics [4717] 112 9250
Common Law/English Literature [8481] 160 9250
Common Law/French Language [4317] 160 9250
Common Law/Gaelic [0812] 160 9250
Common Law/German Language [7089] 160 9250
Common Law/History [2539] 160 9250
Common Law/Italian Language [7133] 160 9250
Common Law/Philosophy [4713] 160 9250
Common Law/Politics [9261] 112 9250
Common Law/Spanish Language [3063] 160 9250
Community Development [2610] 112 9250
Comparative Literature/Central & East European Studies [6720] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/Classics [4213] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/Economics [8116] 112 9250
Comparative Literature/English Language [5608] 144 9250
Comparative Literature/English Literature [4736] 112 9250
Comparative Literature/Film & Television Studies [2228] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/French [1356] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/German [8864] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/History [2751] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/History of Art [0244] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/Italian [2403] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/Music [3482] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/Philosophy [0975] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/Russian [8465] 128 9250
Comparative Literature/Scottish Literature [5957] 112 9250
Comparative Literature/Theatre Studies [9860] 128 9250
Computing Science [0593] 112 9250
Computing Science [8083] 144 9250
Computing Science (Faster Route) [2196] 112 9250
Computing Science (Faster Route) [9686] 112 9250
Computing Science/Business & Management [8258] 112 9250
Computing Science/Business & Management [9130] 112 9250
Computing Science/Economic & Social History [5750] 112 9250
Computing Science/English Language [0004] 112 9250
Computing Science/English Literature [7495] 112 9250
Computing Science/French [1400] 112 9250
Computing Science/Geography [5194] 112 9250
Computing Science/History of Art [1607] 112 9250
Computing Science/Latin [9098] 112 9250
Computing Science/Mathematics [0178] 144 9250
Computing Science/Mathematics [2686] 144 9250
Computing Science/Music [8541] 112 9250
Computing Science/Physics [2894] 128 9250
Computing Science/Physics [1116] 128 9250
Computing Science/Politics [8748] 112 9250
Computing Science/Psychology [6240] 128 9250
Computing Science/Statistics [2512] 64 9250
Computing Science/Theatre Studies [5162] 112 9250
Dentistry [6241] 144 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies [4257] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies /Film & Television Studies [5478] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/ Latin [5096] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/ Spanish [1858] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Archaeology [1749] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Business & Management [7811] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Celtic Civilisation [5827] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/English Language [6906] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/English Literature [7986] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/French [2970] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Geography [0463] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/History of Art [5653] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Mathematics [6176] 144 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Music [5620] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Philosophy [6699] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Politics [0604] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Psychology [8094] 128 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Social & Public Policy [4715] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Sociology [4366] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Theatre Studies [8792] 112 9250
Digital Media & Information Studies/Theology & Religious Studies [3461] 112 9250
Economic & Social History [0540] 112 9250
Economic & Social History with Quantitative Methods [2978] 64 9250
Economic & Social History/Business & Management [3952] 160 9250
Economic & Social History/Celtic Studies [8619] 128 9250
Economic & Social History/Economics [1652] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/English Literature [7506] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/French [6634] 192 9250
Economic & Social History/Geography [4126] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/German [5206] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/History [2698] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/History [0190] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/Mathematics [9316] 144 9250
Economic & Social History/Music [6809] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/Philosophy [1793] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/Philosophy [4301] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/Politics [9283] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/Psychology [8412] 128 9250
Economic & Social History/Scottish History [3506] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/Scottish History [9807] 112 9250
Economic & Social History/Social & Public Policy [1968] 80 9250
Economic & Social History/Sociology [7822] 112 9250
Economic and Social History and International Relations [7687] 112 9250
Economic/ Archaeology [8506] 112 9250
Economics [8030] 112 9250
Economics/Business & Management [1063] 112 9250
Economics/Celtic Civilisation [8144] 112 9250
Economics/English Language [8163] 112 9250
Economics/English Literature [3538] 112 9250
Economics/French [4617] 112 9250
Economics/Geography [5697] 112 9250
Economics/Greek [4382] 112 9250
Economics/History [2633] 112 9250
Economics/History [2633] 112 9250
Economics/Latin [2223] 112 9250
Economics/Mathematics [8695] 144 9250
Economics/Music [6187] 112 9250
Economics/Philosophy [3679] 112 9250
Economics/Philosophy [3679] 112 9250
Economics/Politics [2775] 112 9250
Economics/Psychology [3854] 128 9250
Economics/Russian [4934] 112 9250
Economics/Scottish History [2426] 112 9250
Economics/Scottish History [2426] 112 9250
Economics/Social & Public Policy [8488] 80 9250
Economics/Theatre Studies [5980] 112 9250
Economics/Theology & Religious Studies [2601] 112 9250
Education Primary [0093] 160 9250
Electronic & Software Engineering [7583] 144 9250
Electronic & Software Engineering [1488] 144 9250
Electronic & Software Engineering [1696] 144 9250
Electronics & Electrical Engineering [7550] 128 9250
Electronics & Electrical Engineering [0246] 176 9250
Electronics with Music [7758] 144 9250
Electronics with Music [3614] 144 9250
English Language [9676] 144 9250
English Language and Linguistics/ Spanish [2710] 144 9250
English Language/ Greek [8771] 144 9250
English Language/English Literature [0758] 96 9250
English Language/French [1837] 144 9250
English Language/German [9328] 144 9250
English Language/History [9851] 144 9250
English Language/Italian [7343] 144 9250
English Language/Latin [4835] 144 9250
English Language/Mathematics [7551] 144 9250
English Language/Music [5043] 144 9250
English Language/Philosophy [2535] 144 9250
English Language/Politics [0028] 112 9250
English Language/Psychology [7518] 128 9250
English Language/Russian [5010] 144 9250
English Language/Scottish History [2502] 144 9250
English Language/Scottish Literature [9993] 144 9250
English Literature [6057] 112 9250
English Literature/Business and Management [5185] 160 9250
English Literature/Film & Television Studies [2677] 112 9250
English Literature/French [0169] 112 9250
English Literature/Gaelic [1136] 112 9250
English Literature/German [7660] 112 9250
English Literature/History [2328] 160 9250
English Literature/History of Art [8183] 112 9250
English Literature/Latin [7311] 112 9250
English Literature/Mathematics [4803] 144 9250
English Literature/Music [2295] 112 9250
English Literature/Philosophy [1424] 112 9250
English Literature/Politics [8914] 144 9250
English Literature/Russian [3026] 112 9250
English Literature/Scottish History [6058] 112 9250
English Literature/Scottish Literature [3550] 112 9250
English Literature/Sociology [9404] 112 9250
Environmental Geoscience [3038] 112 9250
Environmental Geoscience [0954] 112 9250
Environmental Science and Sustainability [8532] 112 9250
FTV/ Latin [3168] 112 9250
Film & Television Studies [5261] 128 9250
Film & Television Studies/ Spanish [0279] 128 9250
Film & Television Studies/French [1565] 192 9250
Film & Television Studies/German [9056] 112 9250
Film & Television Studies/History [6548] 112 9250
Film & Television Studies/History of Art [4040] 112 9250
Film & Television Studies/Music [0660] 128 9250
Film & Television Studies/Philosophy [0104] 112 9250
Film & Television Studies/Politics [1184] 112 9250
Film & Television Studies/Scottish History [0312] 112 9250
Film & Television Studies/Scottish Literature [7802] 112 9250
Film & Television Studies/Social & Public Policy [5294] 80 9250
Film & Television Studies/Sociology [2787] 112 9250
Film & Television Studies/Theatre Studies [7769] 192 9250
Finance & Mathematics [4389] 192 9250
Finance & Statistics [7420] 64 9250
French [1295] 128 9250
French/Business and Management [1500] 160 9250
French/Geography [8990] 192 9250
French/German [6483] 192 9250
French/History [3975] 192 9250
French/History of Art [6690] 192 9250
French/Italian [4182] 192 9250
French/Latin [1675] 192 9250
French/Mathematics [9165] 144 9250
French/Music [0247] 192 9250
French/Politics [7737] 112 9250
French/Psychology [8816] 128 9250
French/Russian [6309] 192 9250
French/Theatre Studies [3801] 192 9250
French/Theology & Religious Studies [4880] 192 9250
Gaelic [2373] 128 9250
Gaelic/ Philosophy [2514] 128 9250
Gaelic/Business and Management [6276] 160 9250
Gaelic/Celtic Civilisation [3768] 128 9250
Gaelic/Central & East European Studies [4847] 128 9250
Gaelic/Comparative Literature [2340] 128 9250
Gaelic/English Language [9830] 144 9250
Gaelic/French [7322] 128 9250
Gaelic/German [2793] 128 9250
Gaelic/History [7530] 128 9250
Gaelic/Mathematics [5022] 144 9250
Gaelic/Psychology [5545] 128 9250
Gaelic/Scottish History [9448] 128 9250
Gaelic/Scottish Literature [2166] 112 9250
Gaelic/Social & Public Policy [8020] 80 9250
Genetics [9274] 144 9250
Geography [0356] 112 9250
Geography [0323] 128 9250
Geography [0356] 112 9250
Geography/Business and Management [9416] 112 9250
Geography/Celtic Studies [8544] 128 9250
Geography/German [4401] 112 9250
Geography/History [1893] 112 9250
Geography/History of Art [2972] 112 9250
Geography/Mathematics [7813] 144 9250
Geography/Music [9591] 128 9250
Geography/Philosophy [7083] 112 9250
Geography/Politics [8163] 112 9250
Geography/Scottish History [4019] 112 9250
Geography/Scottish Literature [6734] 112 9250
Geography/Social & Public Policy [4227] 80 9250
Geography/Sociology [1719] 112 9250
Geography/Statistics [6385] 64 9250
Geography/Theatre Studies [9209] 112 9250
Geology [4974] 144 9250
Geology [6528] 144 9250
German [7271] 112 9250
German/ Theatre Studies [3463] 112 9250
German/ Theology & Religious Studies [0956] 112 9250
German/Business and Management [7781] 160 9250
German/Economics [8861] 112 9250
German/History of Art [6353] 112 9250
German/Italian [2209] 112 9250
German/Mathematics [4925] 144 9250
German/Music [2417] 112 9250
German/Philosophy [8271] 112 9250
German/Politics [0989] 112 9250
German/Psychology [6843] 128 9250
German/Russian [5971] 112 9250
Greek [8446] 112 9250
Greek/ History [3463] 112 9250
Greek/ Spanish [6113] 128 9250
Greek/ Theatre Studies [3605] 112 9250
Greek/ Theology & Religious Studies [1097] 112 9250
Greek/History of Art [0607] 112 9250
Greek/Latin [8097] 112 9250
Greek/Politics [5590] 112 9250
Greek/Social & Public Policy [3082] 80 9250
Health & Social Policy [8588] 80 9250
History [8795] 112 9250
History of Art [3780] 112 9250
History of Art/ Spanish [9635] 128 9250
History of Art/Business and Management [4859] 160 9250
History of Art/Italian [0716] 144 9250
History of Art/Latin [3431] 112 9250
History of Art/Mathematics [6778] 144 9250
History of Art/Music [6986] 112 9250
History of Art/Philosophy [2842] 112 9250
History of Art/Politics [5557] 112 9250
History of Art/Psychology [8588] 128 9250
History of Art/Russian [4445] 128 9250
History of Art/Scottish History [3573] 112 9250
History of Art/Scottish Literature [4652] 112 9250
History of Art/Social & Public Policy [8555] 80 9250
History of Art/Theatre Studies [7127] 112 9250
History of Art/Theology & Religious Studies [1032] 112 9250
History/Business & Management [3748] 160 9250
History/Business and Management [3191] 160 9250
History/History of Art [2635] 112 9250
History/Italian [0127] 144 9250
History/Latin [2843] 112 9250
History/Mathematics [0335] 144 9250
History/Music [7825] 112 9250
History/Philosophy [0858] 96 9250
History/Politics [1938] 112 9250
History/Politics [1938] 96 9250
History/Psychology [3333] 128 9250
History/Russian [0825] 128 9250
History/Scottish Literature [5492] 112 9250
History/Sociology [4936] 112 9250
History/Theatre Studies [4064] 112 9250
History/Theology & Religious Studies [1556] 112 9250
Human Biology [9046] 192 9250
Human Biology and Nutrition [0128] 160 9250
Immunology [4031] 112 9250
International Relations [5805] 112 9250
International Relations and Social and Public Policy [4577] 80 9250
International Relations and Sociology [8740] 112 9250
International Relations with Quantitative Methods [2297] 64 9250
Italian [9744] 144 9250
Italian/ Theatre Studies [6332] 144 9250
Italian/ Theology & Religious Studies [7727] 144 9250
Italian/Latin [4729] 144 9250
Italian/Mathematics [2221] 144 9250
Italian/Music [9711] 144 9250
Italian/Philosophy [8840] 144 9250
Latin [2396] 112 9250
Latin/ Music [7902] 112 9250
Latin/ Spanish [2014] 128 9250
Latin/ Theology & Religious Studies [9504] 112 9250
Latin/Business & Management [2161] 112 9250
Latin/Geography [6506] 112 9250
Latin/Mathematics [0411] 144 9250
Latin/Scottish Literature [5394] 112 9250
Latin/Social & Public Policy [2886] 80 9250
Law [0586] 192 9250
Law with French Language [8600] 208 9250
Law with French Legal Studies [6092] 160 9250
Law with German Language [3584] 160 9250
Law with German Legal Studies [2712] 160 9250
Law with Italian Language [0204] 160 9250
Law with Italian Legal Studies [4107] 160 9250
Law with Portuguese [7138] 160 9250
Law with Russian [6267] 160 9250
Law with Spanish Language [9298] 192 9250
Law with Spanish Legal Studies [6790] 160 9250
Law/Business Economics [4282] 112 9250
Law/Economic & Social History [0902] 160 9250
Law/Economics [8393] 112 9250
Law/English Literature [2298] 160 9250
Law/Gaelic Language [5013] 160 9250
Law/History [8916] 160 9250
Law/Philosophy [6408] 160 9250
Law/Politics [5536] 112 9250
Law/Social & Public Policy [4697] 80 9250
Marine & Freshwater Biology [9439] 112 9250
Materials Chemistry [2405] 112 9250
Materials Chemistry with European Placement [4909] 112 9250
Materials Chemistry with Work Placement [0568] 112 9250
Mathematics [8011] 112 9250
Mathematics [9091] 160 9250
Mathematics [0521] 144 9250
Mathematics/Business and Management [2091] 144 9250
Mathematics/Economics [3170] 144 9250
Mathematics/Music [2298] 144 9250
Mathematics/Philosophy [3694] 144 9250
Mathematics/Philosophy [3694] 144 9250
Mathematics/Physics [0488] 176 9250
Mathematics/Physics [1186] 160 9250
Mathematics/Politics [8676] 144 9250
Mathematics/Psychology [3203] 128 9250
Mathematics/Russian [1393] 144 9250
Mathematics/Scottish History [8884] 144 9250
Mathematics/Scottish Literature [4740] 144 9250
Mathematics/Statistics [6234] 128 9250
Mathematics/Statistics [7106] 144 9250
Mathematics/Theatre Studies [3868] 144 9250
Mathematics/Theology & Religious Studies [1360] 144 9250
Mechanical Design Engineering [0489] 128 9250
Mechanical Design Engineering [6343] 144 9250
Mechanical Engineering [4915] 144 9250
Mechanical Engineering [5471] 160 9250
Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics [9897] 176 9250
Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics [2407] 192 9250
Mechatronics [8469] 128 9250
Mechatronics [4566] 160 9250
Medicine [5961] 176 9250
Microbiology [5089] 128 9250
Molecular & Cellular Biology [9200] 96 9250
Molecular & Cellular Biology with Biotechnology [3105] 112 9250
Molecular & Cellular Biology with Plant Science [0597] 112 9250
Music [7216] 128 9250
Music [9723] 160 9250
Music/Philosophy [1121] 112 9250
Music/Politics [3836] 112 9250
Music/Psychology [9690] 128 9250
Music/Russian [8818] 128 9250
Music/Scottish History [1852] 112 9250
Music/Scottish Literature [1295] 112 9250
Music/Social & Public Policy [2375] 80 9250
Music/Theatre Studies [6278] 128 9250
Music/Theology & Religious Studies [5406] 128 9250
Neuroscience [0390] 112 9250
Nursing [9516] 144 9250
Pharmacology [0914] 192 9250
Philosophy [1993] 96 9250
Philosophy/ Spanish [9102] 128 9250
Philosophy/Central & East European Studies [3073] 128 9250
Philosophy/Politics [6104] 112 9250
Philosophy/Politics [6104] 112 9250
Philosophy/Psychology [1088] 128 9250
Philosophy/Russian [0216] 128 9250
Philosophy/Scottish History [7707] 112 9250
Philosophy/Sociology [1612] 112 9250
Philosophy/Theatre Studies [6594] 112 9250
Philosophy/Theology & Religious Studies [9310] 112 9250
Physics [8753] 80 9250
Physics [8197] 192 9250
Physics with Astrophysics [8405] 112 9250
Physics with Astrophysics [2310] 128 9250
Physiology [1753] 144 9250
Physiology & Sports Science [0881] 48 9250
Physiology, Sports Science & Nutrition [8372] 96 9250
Politics [5864] 112 9250
Politics with Quantitative Methods [2779] 64 9250
Politics/ Spanish [2659] 192 9250
Politics/Psychology [0848] 128 9250
Politics/Scottish History [3879] 112 9250
Politics/Scottish History [3879] 112 9250
Politics/Scottish Literature [4087] 112 9250
Politics/Social & Public Policy [9941] 112 9250
Politics/Theatre Studies [6562] 112 9250
Portugese/Spanish [7641] 128 9250
Portuguese/ Social & Public Policy [6671] 80 9250
Portuguese/Archaeology [5134] 128 9250
Portuguese/Business and Management [9037] 160 9250
Portuguese/Classics [7608] 128 9250
Portuguese/Digital Media & Information Studies [5101] 112 9250
Portuguese/Economic and Social History [6180] 128 9250
Portuguese/English Language [3672] 144 9250
Portuguese/English Literature [1165] 112 9250
Portuguese/Film and Television Studies [3880] 128 9250
Portuguese/French [1372] 192 9250
Portuguese/Gaelic [8863] 128 9250
Portuguese/Geography [9942] 128 9250
Portuguese/German [7435] 112 9250
Portuguese/Greek [3291] 128 9250
Portuguese/History [6006] 128 9250
Portuguese/History of Art [3499] 128 9250
Portuguese/Italian [0991] 144 9250
Portuguese/Latin [8481] 128 9250
Portuguese/Mathematics [7925] 144 9250
Portuguese/Philosophy [7053] 128 9250
Portuguese/Politics [4545] 112 9250
Portuguese/Psychology [2037] 128 9250
Portuguese/Russian [1481] 128 9250
Portuguese/Scottish Literature [7228] 112 9250
Portuguese/Theatre Studies [4164] 128 9250
Portuguese/Theology & Religious Studies [1656] 128 9250
Primary Education [5766] 112 9250
Product Design Engineering [3259] 128 9250
Product Design Engineering [0751] 192 9250
Psychology [0402] 112 9250
Psychology [7893] 144 9250
Psychology [5385] 112 9250
Psychology and Neuroscience [2877] 128 9250
Psychology/Scottish History [0369] 128 9250
Psychology/Scottish Literature [7860] 128 9250
Psychology/Social & Public Policy [8939] 128 9250
Psychology/Sociology [6431] 128 9250
Psychology/Spanish [3924] 128 9250
Psychology/Statistics [6639] 128 9250
Psychology/Theatre Studies [2495] 128 9250
Psychology/Theology & Religious Studies [1624] 128 9250
Russian/Central & East European Studies [5043] 128 9250
Russian/Scottish Literature [3226] 112 9250
Russian/Sociology [1798] 112 9250
Scots Law and International Relations [8856] 112 9250
Scots Law/Business Management [1774] 160 9250
Scottish History/ Spanish [2322] 128 9250
Scottish History/Scottish Literature [4829] 112 9250
Scottish History/Theatre Studies [9812] 112 9250
Scottish History/Theology & Religious Studies [7304] 112 9250
Scottish Language & Literature [8384] 112 9250
Scottish Literature/Sociology [5876] 112 9250
Scottish Literature/Spanish [3794] 112 9250
Scottish Literature/Theatre Studies [7271] 112 9250
Scottish Literature/Theology & Religious Studies [8351] 112 9250
Social & Public Policy [4971] 80 9250
Social & Public Policy with Quantitative Methods [5448] 64 9250
Social & Public Policy/English Language [2463] 80 9250
Social & Public Policy/English Literature [7446] 80 9250
Social & Public Policy/Theatre Studies [8525] 80 9250
Sociology [6018] 112 9250
Sociology with Quantitative Methods [9168] 64 9250
Sociology/Business and Management [7097] 112 9250
Sociology/Classics [0653] 112 9250
Sociology/French [3128] 112 9250
Sociology/German [4208] 112 9250
Sociology/History [3336] 112 9250
Sociology/Philosophy [4731] 112 9250
Sociology/Politics [2223] 112 9250
Sociology/Scottish History [9714] 112 9250
Sociology/Social & Public Policy [4382] 112 9250
Sociology/Theatre Studies [5462] 112 9250
Sociology/Theology & Religious Studies [4906] 112 9250
Software Engineering [9888] 176 9250
Software Engineering [2398] 192 9250
Software Engineering (Faster) [4873] 128 9250
Software Engineering (Faster) [7380] 128 9250
Software Engineering with Work Placement [3737] 128 9250
Software Engineering with Work Placement (Faster Route) [5754]